Once a week we offer a thirty minutes metta / loving kindness guided meditations on Zoom on Saturdays at 8 PM ET, 5 PM PT.
Saturday Night Metta is held on Zoom. You are welcome to join with your camera on or off, as you prefer.
Add to your calendar
- Download the invitation in iCal format
- Check the online Google Calendar
- You can also add this online calendar to your calendar with this ID: [email protected]
What should I expect?
Tasshin or another facilitator will lead 30 minutes of guided loving kindness / metta meditation, followed by a time for questions and discussion.
If you’re new to the practice of love and loving kindness meditation, you can read the short blog post Practicing Love for some background about what metta is and how to do it. Alternatively, you can read my book, The Path of Love, which is longer but more comprehensive.
Saturday Night Metta events are recorded, but only audio is posted, and solely of the guided meditations. You can find the past recordings of the guided meditations here.
How can I support Saturday Night Metta?
Saturday Night Metta is an offering of The Love Department of The Service Guild. It is offered by generosity. If you would like to support The Service Guild and The Love Department, you can become Tasshin’s patron on Patreon, or make a donation using Tasshin’s PayPal or Venmo (@tasshin).